Simmons Consulting, the Website of Toby Simmons

Archive for February, 2007

New D-G Website


We launched the new Arkansas Online ® a couple of weeks ago and the feedback has been pretty positive. I think it is a huge improvement over the previous web site. It took several months of development, but has been worth it now that we have gone live with the new features. Plus, the site (usually) validates as XHTML strict! Occasionally, the folks in charge of content will insert invalid markup in articles, but that is beyond our control.

Upgraded to 2.1, Zempt works swell


I finally updated my blog to WordPress 2.1 and Zempt works just swell. I thought I might have more problems than I actually have had. One thing about the 2.1 out of the box, though, is that WordPress returns invalid XMLRPC response to edit an existing entry. The problem was that WordPress was returning the categoryId as an <int> instead of a <string> as the XMLRPC spec says. This would make Zempt crash. Fortunately, someone committed a patch to the WordPress Trac which fixes it perfectly.