Simmons Consulting, the Website of Toby Simmons

Creator of Linux defends its originality | CNET


Linus Torvalds, creator of the popular Linux computer operating system, defended his work Monday as not always lovely but original–and certainly not copied, as a Utah company has contended. Now, SCO thinks they own (parts of) Linux. But read the last paragraph of the story — it also turns out that Novell thinks they own it, too.

What a wicked web we weave …

Comments (5) »

  1. Charlene says:


    You haven’t written in awhile, has you vertigo problem eased up?

  2. Toby Simmons says:


    Thanks for writing. I know that I haven’t written much lately (especially about the vertigo) because it has been very busy at work.

    I hope to write more fully about it because there have been several people out there who have asked me about it.

    I can tell you that for the past several months the dizzy feeling has come and gone, but even when it comes I am able to handle it without any problems. I haven’t missed any work or even been slowed down too much at home working outside.

    I occasionally will get overwhelmed with fatigue after fighting the feeling on a long day. On the worst days, it’s kind of funny to watch me wander around the office. A guy I work with asked me the other day “You don’t ever walk in a straight line anymore, do you?”

    I have also noticed that lots of caffeine makes it worse.

    So, how have things been going with you?

  3. Toby Simmons says:

    (BTW, I’ve also noticed that it gets worse when I’m very tired.)

  4. charlene says:

    Hi Toby,

    Glad to hear your doing O.K.

    I have actually been doing pretty good. Drinking at least one and a half quarts of water a day, staying away from wheat products, and no caffine at all. I drink only decaffe, because I love coffee.
    Ever one in awhile I will have a small amount of caffine, and the anxiety comes on. I really think the breads and pasta are causing some strange symptoms.

    Have you decided to stop looking for an answer?


  5. charlene says:

    Hi Toby,

    Glad to hear your doing O.K.

    I have actually been doing pretty good. Drinking at least one and a half quarts of water a day, staying away from wheat products, and no caffine at all. I drink only decaffe, because I love coffee.
    Ever one in awhile I will have a small amount of caffine, and the anxiety comes on. I really think the breads and pasta are causing some strange symptoms.

    Have you decided to stop looking for an answer?
