Simmons Consulting, the Website of Toby Simmons

Yahoo! News – San Francisco in No Mood for Tolerance After Bush Win


My first thought after reading the headline was "Man, what a bunch of cry babies."

But then, I started thinking about it. Wouldn’t it be great if all the vitriolic liberals did haul themselves off to Canada? And why shouldn’t they? I mean, Canada has got all the great stuff they love — socialized medicine, high taxes and bloated government.

I bet they don’t allow any elections to be stolen up there. <grin> Oh, wait, wasn’t it the 2000 election that liberals claimed was stolen by Bush? Or is it this year, too?

And after reading so many liberal’s comments like "Is the country really this stupid?" I just want to say, what do you think conservatives were saying after both Clinton elections?

Comments (2) »

  1. T says:

    Interesting observations. Is this the “art” of blogging?

  2. Panther says:

    I conqure with the Tobiwan. People are stupid.