Simmons Consulting, the Website of Toby Simmons

Slashdot: The sky is falling! (again, still)


Is it just me or does Slashdot tend to have an overabundance of "global-warming" scare articles? I’m all for being responsible and being a good steward of what we have here (after all, I happen to believe it is on loan from the real owner, God Himself) but the Slashdotters seem to get lathered up all the time about this issue. They bang that gong an awful lot.

Comments (3) »

  1. Mat says:

    Jeez, You still read Slashdot?

  2. Toby Simmons says:

    I give it a cursory glance when I’m trolling my feeds. It’s good for a laugh every three days or so.

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