Simmons Consulting, the Website of Toby Simmons

Much Better Right Now …


It’s Friday night, now, and I must say that I am feeling tremendously better. The dizziness is almost gone, but my neck is still very stiff. I suspect it’s because I’ve been working on the computer most of the evening.

I’ve got a big site coming up that I need to get finished and it’s taking a lot of work to get it done. Sitting on the bed with the laptop tends to make my neck sore.

But, I’m very thankful that the nauseousness and dizziness has subsided. I’ve also been eating more regularly today. I suppose that’s a good thing. It was just so hard to keep eating when I felt so poor.

I am hopeful that I will be able to work on the kid’s tree-house tomorrow. We’re are going to try to get the railing and balusters finished off, but that is going to take a lot of time, I suspect. Maybe by the end of the weekend, we will have it done.

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